Thursday, August 28, 2014

My "Allegiant" Story

Okay, so I thought I'd start off with a bit of a story about how Allegiant by Veronica Roth came into my life. It's an interesting story, but I figured that this is the best way to start off a blog in which I react to books. Why not?

Also, brownie points if you can figure out what my favorite book is! (hint - look at the gifs...)

Prologue: Reading Divergent and Insurgent

I must admit, with great regret, that I was extremely skeptical about reading Divergent. My sister shoved it in my face and told me to read it. I wanted nothing to do with this thing in front of me.

However, because she'd been right in the past, I decided to read it anyway.

I should've read it sooner.

I flew through it like a madwoman, not even thinking about anything but the book in my hands. I couldn't believe that I'd ever doubted that book. (I still honestly can't believe it).

(Just saying, my reaction to Tobias was pretty much this...
What fangirl didn't have that reaction???????)

Anyway, after I finished reading Divergent, I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. I had forgotten to bring the next book into my room. Why was that an issue? I had planned on continuing to Insurgent as if it were another chapter in Divergent. This meant that I had to STOP READING. Unacceptable. Therefore, I had to take as little time as possible to get the book from my sister's room.

Me running in my sister's room to get Insurgent
Let's just say... it wasn't pretty.

Long story short, I grabbed Insurgent and began reading as quickly as I could. Honestly, I tore through it as crazily as I tore through Divergent.

There was just one thing I was unaware of: The third book wasn't out yet. This was like telling me "Oh, guess what, Sara? The apocalypse is happening in 10...9...8...7..." Well, you get the idea.

After excruciating months of waiting around for the third book to come out, my dreams came true...

The Main Event: Buying and Reading Allegiant

I was in the bookstore one day, just browsing when I saw something that honestly made my day.

I just kind of stood there, in the middle of the bookstore, completely freaking out.
"M-m-mom? The thing... THE THING!"
I immediately demanded that my mom tell me whether we were free that day or not. Sadly, we weren't...

While we weren't free the day of the release, we were free the next day. 

I asked my mom if we could go that day. She asked me, "Can't you just wait?" Well, you know what? I couldn't!

I insisted that we go that day, and guess what?

WE DID!!!!!

I marched in the bookstore that day and grabbed the book right off its display.
Gimme dat book right NOW.
I sprinted walked up to the register like a crazy person calmly and demanded that I was allowed to purchase the book immediately paid for the book in a civil manner. I just walked up to the register, completely set on buying the book, no matter what the price.
Obviously, the book did not cost what it should've (which is somewhere around $150, being generous, considering how awesome it was) and I was able to get it. In the car on the way home, I was the happiest person on the planet.

As soon as I began reading it, I needed the entire world to stop. The only thing that mattered was that book.

I finished it faster than I'd ever finished a book its size. And, while the ending hurt my soul on SO MANY LEVELS, that's fine.

After reading it, I have one thing to say.

Thank you, Veronica Roth!


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